Saturday, December 5th, 2015
It’s a quiet afternoon and I’ve finally dug out from under the little stacks of paper and notes on my desk. It’s a perfect time to look back over this last year, reflect on what has transpired and begin to think about what the next year might bring for us at Gigglicious.
Fortunately for you, I’m not one to be sentimental or wax nostalgic about things and that’s going to save you quite a bit of reading. Plus, like me, I’m sure you have your own Christmas shopping to be out doing, so, let me break this down quick and easy for you.
Company Year in Review
- Kid Employees – insane amounts of soccer, left defender, forward, good grades, tournaments, Senior Year, Drum Major, band competitions, college applications, homework, dart gun shooting, boyfriends, craziness, skiing, oceans, camping, lizards, dogs, middle school, elementary school, high school, camps, church, running, laughing, crying, band aids, pestering. Muchas, muchas Happiness.
- Adult Employees – much sitting outdoors at events, cheering, rooting, laughing, praying, working, convertible riding, packing, unpacking, washing, cleaning, scolding, cooking, running, hiking, church, skiing, swimming, camping, movies, lunch dates. Overwhelming blessings with a sprinkle of exhaustion.
- Company – working, building, hammering, nailing, staining, calling, traveling, drawing, more calling, meetings, planning, prototyping, hoping, praying, emailing, China, more praying. Unbelievable freedoms and unending thankfulness.
Our Gigglicious studio in progress over the summer!
What we are excited about at Gigglicious for 2016!
Hopefully, we’ll be moving this spring into the studio we built over the summer. It’s nearly finished and ready to endure an Indiana winter, but we weren’t ready to get moved out there quite yet. It’s a project to finish in the springtime. Ryan is excited about windows and a view, which is very different from where he’s working now. (Although he’s dreading the commute…who wants to put on shoes?)
OUR BIGGEST NEWS! We have been working for the last 13 months on a very huge, very exciting project (and not much else). The best part is that it’s nearly done! Ryan has made more trips to China than I care to think about to work on this project. We are expecting this line of products (yes, a LINE, not an ITEM!) to be out on the shelves in the Spring of 2016 and available at a store near you. We are headed full throttle into this year with excitement, anticipation, and a little bit of nail biting. When we can, we will post all our news about where and when you can find it and the delightful details about full line on our website. We are hoping that all our great supporters (that’s you!) will go out, buy the products, tell their friends and family to buy it, and hopefully love what we have made!
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!
May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
~Irish Blessing