Archive for January, 2011

One Month Until 2011 New York Toy Fair

We are attending the 2011 New York Toy Fair that takes place at the Javits Convention Center in New York City in February.  It’s a mecca for toy buyers and manufacturers, but for the inventor, it’s a chance to show our products/prototypes and shake hands. Generally, everybody we want to see is under one roof and this is our chance to show our innovations to them.  Half the fun is getting to check out the creative booths and what new toys will be on every kid’s Christmas list this year.

January is an extra busy time for Gigglicious. We are getting prototypes finished and presentations finalized so we can be ready to show it all at NYTF.  Ryan is putting in extra hours not only for Toy Fair, but other projects for a client.  I’ve been working on finalizing presentations, making appointments, and hunting for comfy walking shoes. (I had some sore feet issues last year because of all the walking we did!)  Despite all the extra time we put into our days right now, this is always a really fun time for us in the studio.  We look forward to the trip, the friends we’ll see, and the chance to show people how creative we are!

“A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.”-Joyce A. Myers

ChiTag November 2010

We attended Chicago Toy and Game Fair, ChiTag, in November 2010 at Navy Pier.  It is a public toy show and is such a great event that takes place in the MidWest.  It’s a good opportunity for us to get inspired as we watch adults and kids of all ages playing on the floor with toys, playing games at tables, and riding an enormous rocking horse.  It’s also chance for us to see some friends and show our own little daydreamers what a Toy Fair is all about.  Everybody enjoyed meeting Darth Vader, except our littlest daydreamer who hid whenever he saw him.

What a perfect time to play in Chicago!  Many of the Christmas lights and displays were already up and it was without the Christmas crowds since it was before Thanksgiving.  We saw the Christmas Trees at the Walnut Room and the Palmer House.  Our little daydreamers loved all of it!

We made a trip the next day to the Museum of Science and Industry.  We were literally bubbling over with ideas after looking at all the exhibits.  We brainstormed as we walked over what new products we could make!  Half the fun was continually watching lightbulbs going off over the little daydreamers heads over what they were seeing and learning there.  Just proves that  inspiration can come from anywhere!  Who knows where those ideas will lead us. . .

“After it’s finished, sometimes I can trace a path that goes back to the possible source of inspiration.” -Tracy Chapman

Welcome to the Gigglicious Blog!

This is your connection to find out what is going on in and around our studio.  Just to get you started on what it is that we do here, we came up with a little list of what we have been working on in the last couple of months:

a plethora of pool products, toys and games

a wrist watch with a unique display

a bountiful collection of backyard games

LED lighting products for use during the holidays

a new way to listen to music

funny and slightly inappropriate noise makers(it’s been a gas working on these!)

We generate hundreds of innovative concepts every year and only 10-20 of them are actively developed at any one time in our studio.   This is the place for you to keep up with what is getting designed, developed and prototyped!

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”  -Audrey Hepburn

Gigglicious in the ICON

Santa's Avon ToymakerGigglicious was featured in the 2010 December issue of the ICON.